My personal professional disposition statement
I believe that I am a successful teacher because I have high expectations coupled with compassion, respect for diversity, fairness and honesty, curiosity, dedication, professional conduct, and reflection. I believe that all students can learn and bring their own valuable and important skills to the learning environment. I have the mandate on my life to teach each student that learning is possible and it is fun. I will empower my students to see challenges are to be embraced at whatever level they come and that curiosity and creativity are encouraged and even required, in order to be the best student that they can be.

How my self-assessment supports my professional dispositions statement
I believe that teaching is both an art and a craft as demonstrated by my assessment. With each project and each critique, I will create better processes, better practices, and better plans to reach students and equip them. As I have more information to explore, I want to dig in and improve my skills to the betterment of my classroom, my cohort, my school, and the educational system as seen in my assessment.
Reflections on how I have grown in my professional dispositions throughout my program of study, supported by specific examples.
Prior to entering the classroom as a teacher, I worked diligently on reflection. As I look toward growing into a respected educator, I need to be thoughtful about my practice and in order to do that, I need to build up a trustworthy cohort of professionals. At present, I have surrounded myself with seasoned educators, who are deeply invested in my success and I in their success. I invite feedback from my teaching team to help me. Since I know that observational feedback won’t often happen, I have started using a journal. I track one success that I saw in the classroom that day, one example of where I need to improve, and any reflection. These examples help me invite members of my cohort to help me reflect and create collaborative plans to be better.

Discuss the connection between professional dispositions and the Model Code of Ethics.
These dispositions and the Model Code of Ethics work together to help me understand and guide students with respect. They outline respect for other cultures, genders, and learning differences. As I continue to exhibit curiosity, fairness, honesty, and compassion, students and families will see that I believe they infinitely valuable and the Model Code of Ethics helps me do this equitably. I want to incorporate as many learning styles, cultures, and experiences into the classroom as possible in a way that empowers and promotes learners within a safe learning environment as designed by the Code of Ethics.
Steps I will take to improve where necessary
I anticipate that my performance evaluations, as well as the observations of others and data generated from student performance will help me continue developing creative, enriching experiences and further my professional development. I plan to use the insights that these evaluations give me to investigate new methodologies and incorporate more diverse experiences into my lessons.